My fingers are starting to itch and the area around the wound is a little bit swollen. Thought it might be some
symptons of infection but...
Carms: no
Carms: it's inflammation
Carms: and healing
宗贤: k
hahaCarms: reparation
Carms: see
Carms: it helps to have a friend like me
宗贤: definitely
宗贤: and a sis who noes how to clean my wound
hahaCarms: ah yes
lolCarms: see you're so loved
awwRon told me about this link, which calculates your life number by adding the digits of your birth date. For example, my birth date is 15
th July 1986, so I get
And the following is the
explanation of people with life number 1. It's a Chinese web so everything is in Chinese.
Check out your number and explanation to see if it works for you too!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Update update. Just when I thought I had nothing to update about, I just had 2 stitches done in between the fore and middle fingers of my right hand. RIGHT HAND! Imagine having to do everything using my left hand.
I'm having difficulty taking my shower.
I'm having difficulty brushing my teeth.
I'm having difficulty washing up.
I'm having difficulty using the keyboard and the mouse!
What the hell. Keep this entry short. My right hand really hurts. Update again.
A million thanks to Herman who kept me company at the hospital just now.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
It has been a tiring weekend, but nonetheless, it was a fun-filled one! Lets start on Friday the 13th. Received my first birthday present from my colleagues. A PSP!
14th July 2007...
We went to a pub to celebrate my birthday that night. Didn't bring along a camera so no pictures for that night. I was lucky as they were kind enough to not make me drink till I drop. Haha. Still able to take a shower when I reach home. But I basically just died after taking the shower. Heh.
I was supposed to turn up for the Harry Potter movie the next morning. It was an event organised by my unit's specialists' mess. Like I've said, I was SUPPOSED to turn up for the movie. Haha. Basically I was still dead on my bed lah. Met up with some close buddies and headed to GRAXS to celebrate my birthday. Pub again.
Me getting started to battle my buddies.

They wanted to get me a Flaming Lamborghini but the waitresses could light up the drink. Turned them into what they called a cocktail. COCK LOR. MINE WAS STRONGER LOR. Couldn't finish mine. Already starting to feel like vomitting.

The people who turned up. From left: Ron, BingHan, Sarah, YongLin, me and Herman.

Shi Kang Jun! Haha. He has got an excellent voice. Mesmerising. Heh. He's a friend of the manager there, who sings very well too.
The manager there. Keith.

Yenny. One of the waitresse there.
Having fun!

2 pretty flowers. Haha.
Getting high on alcohol.
Acting cute.
15th July 2007...
Organised a BBQ under my block. Started at around 6. Not many people turn up though. Mostly are my basketball buddies.

Getting the fire started.
Burn let it BURN!
The food prepared by my mum.
Present from Etak, my fanancial adviser from Prudential. Haha. I like the fragrance alot.
Presents from the guys. A jacket from I.P Zone and a fragrance from Calvin Klein. Nice.
It started to drizzle and we moved everything into the void deck. It was very saddening lor. But it did stop at around 7pm.
Started the fire again.
Time to start grilling!
Halfway through all the eating.
10pm. Time to cut the cake. Thanks to my sister who bought this cake. Nice.

It was breezy. Had to shield the fire from the breeze.
Me with my parents.
Family and close friends. From left, clockwise: Herman, Carmen, WeiLun, my dad, my mum and ME!
Poly classmates. Only 3 came. From left, clockwise: Sean, Ken and KaiLin.
Good old friend Carmie. Back for a short holiday. Going back to Australia soon. Glad you came!

Cutting cake.
Oh... Cleavage. Nice. Thanks to Herman the pervert. Haha. He was aiming at my chest since the start of the BBQ lor.
Another shot at it. Didn't capture the spot. Wasted lah.
Me going around feeding people. This is Kenny my mistress.

Cute isn't he?
Jacky's turn to be fed. He anxious one lor want to take picture he just eat. LOL.
BingRu forcing me to drink.
Feeding BingHan using my mouth. Basically I was flirting with almost all the guys lah. Don't be jealous yah. Haha.
I wanted to feed my wife Weilun but he was too shy.

BingRu got his wish that night.
Haiz. Couldn't escape from this one. Might as well live with it.
Yup. You were right. He poured water onto me. Where did the water come from? We used a pail and put ice and water inside for the drinks. We finished the drinks. They thought of recycling the cold water.
He had curry in the thing. Don't know what is it called. Used to scoop soup and stuff. Wanted to throw at the 2 kiasee guys who run away after seeing me all wet and cold. For fear of me hugging them. Super 'ham chi'.

Planning to sabotage the 2 wimps.
There you have it. Eddie and Kenny. The 2 useless bumps. Haha.
Okie. I ran after them. Came back and cursed them. Then fell into the drain as I wasn't looking at where I was stepping.
He laughed at me until like this. Idiot.
The scars on both legs. Painful lor.
It was a great night lah. Spent the rest of the night chit chatting till around mid-night. Nothing much for Sunday's celebration already. Thanks to all who came to celebrate. Thanks to all who wished me happy birthday. Thanks for all the presents and well wishes everyone! And last but not least, thanks to another good old friend who kept me company for dinner on Monday night. I really enjoyed it.